Colorado Springs Commercial Real Estate Photographer
I own the 93 red FD RX-7 with in the group. I have had the privilege of owning this amazing machine for about 2 years. When I purchased the car in May of 2020 I drove it for a few months and then decided before winter of that year the turbos needed to be rebuilt. I then had the stock twin turbo system sent of to Florida to get her done! Well, 3 months turned into 4 months, then 6 months with no feed back from the shop, who will remain nameless. Don’t want to throw anyone under the bus. The only reason I am giving them somewhat of a break is because it was deep with in the middle the COVID cooties season. So, back to the amount of time they had my turbo. After 6 months and no updates I got a hold of the owner. They stated that they could not fined parts to rebuild the turbo set up I had. Since this shop could not help me, I completed my own research and make some phone calls. I found out that they were pretty much right! There were only about 2 places that produced parts for my twin turbo system on the RX7 and one of them shut down due to COVID. So by now they had my turbos for about 10 months, so I gave up that battle and I had them return my turbos. After about 5 mins and no further debate with myself I decided to complete a single turbo conversion on my car. It wouldn’t be until February of 2022 that I finally got my car running again.
So after that horribly long boring story, what I wanted to eventually get to was that I was beyond excited to finally get to hang out with other rotary enthusiasts. It literally was the high light of my year. Finally getting my car back up and running and finally being able to connect with the local Colorado RX7 club members!
Hope you enjoy the pictures and if you have any questions on my services or my car please feel free to contact me via the contacts page!
This is my 1993 Mazda RX7. I have had her for about 2 years but have only been able to drive her 4 to 5 months, off an on. Long story short, I replaced the stock twin turbos with a single turbo set up. I was ecstatic when I finally got it running again. I will be driving this beauty as much as I can this summer.
I have always loved looking up to the stars and staring into the void of space! Recently I have started to tackle the art of astrophotography, which has been a struggle battling the process of imaging the night sky, but every time I am able to get my camera and telescope out on a clear night I learn something new! Out side of astrophotography, if your looking for a photographer head over to my Portfolio and if you like what you see send me a message on my Contacts page or shoot me an email over at Bryan@nothinguntilmedia.com for more information.
4 years ago I had the honor to shoot this beautiful house for Alliance Homes here in Colorado Springs! This was one of my first and still a favorite twilight’s that was shot working as a commercial / real estate photographer. If you have any questions about my services please feel free to contact me via my contact page, or email me at bryan@nothinguntilmedia.com.
A few weeks ago I had the honor and opportunity to work a media project with, Execustar World Class Transportation, and Veterans Referring Veterans. This project included portrait’s, fleet vehicle photos and a 67 sec social media video was completed at Spruce Mountain Ranch, which turned out to be a beautiful location. I am lucky that we completed this project when we did, because the very next day the weather would not have been as accommodating. If you have any questions on what I offer contact me here. Also feel free to check out my portfolio here. Hope you enjoy the photos and video and until next time!
There was some crazy fog the morning I shot this! I got lucky it dissipated right when I began working this shoot. Turned out to be a beautiful morning!
Please feel free to check out my portfolio! Also, if you have any questions you may get a hold of me via my contact page. Thank you for your time and I’m excited to meet and work with you.
Do you have a need to have a 3D Virtual Tour? Then click here to reach the my link with a test run for a 3D Virtual Tour!